Join me daily on social media for an interactive community of ladies
We are geared to speak to the total woman – spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and relationally. Networking with other unique women provides a solid sisterhood community, geared at wholeness, fullness, and purpose.
WOVEN provides conferences, workshops, retreats and seminars to serve as motivational tools, whereby women are empowered through mentorship and coaching. Entertaining events and outings offer restoration and inspiration in a stress-free environment, where ladies share, laugh, and enjoy the company of other women. Connecting through life experiences is the bridge that connects us together.
Fill out the information below to connect to WOVEN
Invite women in your circle to be apart of this community of women.
Our aim is to attract, connect, share with, teach and offer training to women of all cultures, to be all that God has designed them to be based on truth and transformation.
Just Us Girls/Zoom Online Starts at 7:30 PM every 1st Monday of the month. Each month’s topic is relevant, informative and allows time for open interaction.
Click Here to Join Us on Zoom Or Text LPCCJustusgirls To 54244
It is a community group that provides 21 days of consecutive life altering biblical and practical activities to accelerate a woman’s potential and purpose. In addition, we provide daily discussions, that promote deep dive and thought provoking conversations.
Click Here to Join our community
WOVEN Wives is a community of wives that come together on ZOOM quarterly to be enriched with nuggets and wisdom from a biblical perspective. Connect to ZOOM here. 7:30 PM
Led By: Emerald Wade.
LPCC WOVEN Wives Empowerment (Facebook Group) is an online community of wives connected to encourage, edify and uplift. Click Here to Connect
For Mother’s that have experienced the loss of a child.